Thursday, April 27, 2017

Reading Stations

1. Writing in 5 Paragraph Form-
We want to know what kind of field trips you want to go on! If you want the teachers to consider your recommendations, you must make them sound reallllly good! Remember- creativity makes writing fun to read! 

-Write an essay about 3 field trips you would like to go on. Remember- you need 5 paragraphs:
1. INTRO- where you introduce the TOPIC and list the 3 reasons.
2. 1st reason- tell what your first field trip recommendation is. List details about the trip and why we would benefit from going on it.
3. 2nd. reason- same as a above but with different recommendation
4. 3rd reason- same as above but with different recommendation.
5. CONCLUSION- relist the 3 field trips and conclude the essay

2. Vocabulary Work!
Lesson 6 (page 41) in Vocabulary workbook! ADJECTIVES!
A. READ the story on page 41 with a friend.
B. Complete page 42.
C. PICK 3 words to illustrate so we can add words to our word wall again!

3. Spelling City!
Riding For Freedom Spelling City

4. Achieve 3K! Achieve3k! Read Zoo Animals: Living Long. Living Well. Complete the Graphic Organizer.

5. Listen to READING- Riding With Freedom. Read and Follow along as you listen to the AUDIO.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Monday, April 24, 2017

Grammar Songs

Grammar videos to help remember the parts of speech!

Who was Sojourner Truth?

Watch this video to find out about Sojourner Truth's life.
Go to Achieve3000 and do the lesson, "Women Who Lead the Way."

Lastly, Read the book: Sojourner Truth's Step, Stomp, Stride and take an AR test on it! :)

**This will be for a GRADE!!** So do your very best!

Usernames and passwords are below:
NameLogin NamePasswordType 
Armstrong, Maliamarmstrong7856hayesStudent
Bennett, Zaydenzbennett7805hayesStudent
Brooks, Tidaryustbrooks745hayesStudent
Burkes, Alanniaburkes5207hayesStudent
Burnett, Elijaheburnett4219hayesStudent
Conway, Mauricemconway1657hayesStudent
Dailey, Johnathanjdailey9620hayesStudent
Feito Palma, Melaniemfeitopalma4549hayesStudent
Felder, Victoriavfelder9208hayesStudent
Fields, Antonioafields9180hayesStudent
Galeana Gonzalez, Angelagaleanagonzalez280hayesStudent
Gamble, Cartercarter.gamblehayesStudent
Gonzalez Limon, Jenniferjgoncialec9355hayesStudent
Herring, Niariniari.herringhayesStudent
Jaimes Barrera, Adamarisajaimesbarrera8055hayesStudent
Littlepage, Angelalittlepage5915hayesStudent
Martinez Ramos, Alexisamartinezramos1653hayesStudent
Reid, Ronaldrreid4376hayesStudent
Rosas Hernandez, Brayanbrosashernandez833hayesStudent
Rosebud, Arieonaarieona.rosebudhayesStudent
Sumler, T Aliyahtsumler414hayesStudent
Taylor, Bishopbtaylor1271hayesStudent
Townsend, Christanctownsend2060hayesStudent
Waters, Deandredwaters9052hayesStudent
Williams, Jacoryajwilliams2643hayesStudent

Monday, April 10, 2017

To do after AR TEST

1. Watch the video! Write down 5 things that TIM and MOBY say you can do to help your reading comprehension!

2.How to ACE this test!

3. Once you've finished- since you were asking... here's a video about the

Friday, April 7, 2017

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

After Reading Comprehension TEST:

1. These people need to go to THINK CENTRAL and take "Grammar and Vocabulary Test"

2. Explore and LEARN!
Learn about Producers and Consumers
Plums Planet Creature Connect

Monday, April 3, 2017


Reading! What to do:
1. Read Ecology for Kids! Be sure to pay attention! You have a comprehension QUIZ later today! :)

2. Read the poem Wonderful Weather!

3. Learn about Irregular verbs! Watch the Grammar Snap Video- Irregular Verbs! and then  Read pages 460- 461 in your student book.

4. Complete pages 187 & 188 in Reader's Notebook! (If you don't have your notebook or are AT HOME, you can write the answers on a separate page and turn it in. Click the link above!)

5. Log in to THINK CENTRAL. Find the "Told ya! Lesson 15 Comprehension! (Odds)" under the TO DO and complete the quiz.  We will go over this in class and you will retake on TUESDAY!