Thursday, April 26, 2018

Friday April 27, 2018

Hey folks! So sorry that my sickness is keeping me away from you! I really wanted to be there with you but I've got to get better!

3 Things you need today:
1.Spelling and Vocabulary Notebook
2. Social Studies Notebook
3. Chrome book

You only have two easy assignments:
-That will be graded asap MONDAY MORNING. NO EXCUSES!

1. Spelling and Vocabulary- Lesson 12 Vocabulary. 
Write the words in your spelling and Vocabulary Notebook.  Click on this link to find the context cards. You know the drill! --->> Lesson 12 Vocabulary Context Cards (Gotopage111A. The first word is REBELLIOUS)

2. Social Studies- Colonization and Revolutionary War. Read this article about New England and answer the questions IN YOUR SOCIAL STUDIES NOTEBOOK.  Title the notebook page "Readworks: Colonization and Revolutionary War"
-you do not have to write the questions.
-you do have to answer them correctly.
*this will be a Social Studies and Reading grade. (so do good on it!)
Need the article? Click here! --->>ReadWorks- "Colonization and Revolutionary War: Background to the Colonies"

If you have any questions, you know how to contact me.  Please do your very best and leave the room like you found it! Love you bunches! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Stations March 5-9

1. Read a book on YOUR LEVEL
2.Fill out response Questions.

**Extended Response:**
1. READ SSW wk 9
2. Complete Think and Review with attention to correctness!
3. Complete Charting and Mapping

1. Define Lesson 9 words in Spelling/Vocab book. Lesson 9 Context Cards- Go to Page 81A
2. Read Vocab Reader - Saved from the Sea- Vocab Reader
3. Complete writing response and past into Spelling/Vocab Notebook- in the green folder
4. Games (found in previous post)
Quizlet Vocab List 1
Quizlet Vocab List 2
Quizlet Vocab List 3
Spelling City Word List
SpellingCity Flash Cards
Spelling City Game List

1. Work on PLANNING your opinion piece.  Some of us started all the way over- totally fine.
2.  Complete PLAN OUTLINE that is in the POCKET.
Remember, planning is also researching and planning how you're going to make your argument strong!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Tuesday 2.27.18

8:00-9:00 & 10:20-11:20: Writing!
>>Remember yesterdays writing? Today pick something from the chart and start an opinion piece! Remember:
-Start with stating the opinion!
-Give three reasons- each reason gets a paragraph.

9:00-9:35 & 11:20 Authors Purpose & Begin Lesson 8
-Finish the Authors Purpose foldable. Start Reading Lesson 8

Rest of the time- Social Studies
-Do THINK AND REVIEW and read the newspaper

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

What to have done by Friday:

1. Lesson 7 OPEN BOOK Comprehension Test
Think Central Login
Password- easy

2.  Readers Notebook Pages 89, 90, and 94
Online Reader's Notebook

3. Lesson 7 Spelling and Vocabulary in Spelling/Vocabulary Notebook

4. Retake SS Week 8 Test- if you choose to.

**5. Black History: To be a Drum.** Storyline Online- To be a Drum
Image result for to be a drum
“Long before time, before hours and minutes and seconds, on the continent of Africa, the rhythm of the earth beat for the first people…” And with the rhythm begins a story. It is what Daddy Wes whispers to his two young listeners one morning, the story of the ‘drum,’ the pulse that has moved through the African people and through time and place. To Be A Drum tells of a history sustained by the spirit of a people; Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson’s mixed-media rag paintings are filled with the wonder of that spirit. To Be A Drum sends an invitation to all people to join the present and past, to listen…to become a drum."

Answer these Questions:  We will make a POSTER later and put out in the hallway! Click this link to view the handout from class!

1.  Who is Evelyn Coleman? Where did she grow up? What other books has she written? Why did she write this book? CITE YOUR EVIDENCE!! (write down the website)

2. Retell this story in your own words.

3. What is the earth’s heartbeat in this story? How does it bind all people together?

4. The illustrations in To Be a Drum are very unique. How do they make you feel? Why do you think Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson chose this type of artwork for this particular book?

5. Research jazz music.  Pick an AFRICAN AMERICAN jazz artist from the Website below. Write down important information about your person so that you can teach the class and play your favorite song from this artist! Ask a parents who their favorite Jazz Artist is and see if you can find them on this website! Dont forget to CITE evidence!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Spelling and Vocabulary Station 2.20-2.23

-Here are 3 different vocabulary list.  Let's see if you can understand the words in different definitions but all mean the same thing!
Quizlet List 1
Quizlet List 2
Quizlet List 3

Quizlet Spelling List 1
Quizlet Spelling List 2
Spelling City Spelling List
Spelling City Play a Game

Moby Max
Moby Max Login Page- You may ONLY get on phonics, spelling, or vocabulary practice

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Comprehension Station

Once you have FINISHED your Leveled Reader- Check out this article on NewsELA about the current flu outbreak!---->>>>

Leveled Readers:
Clear Group- Riding with the Camel Corps - Questions-

Kinda Clear Group- On the Long Drive- Questions-

Teal Group- The Long Cattle Drive - Questions-

Purple Group- Young Eagle and His Horse- Questions-

Lesson 7 Vocabulary station

Vocabulary Station:
1. Make sure you have written all spelling and vocabulary definitions.
2. read this week's Vocabulary reader found here----->>>
3. Answer these questions in your vocabulary notebook:

1. Which words on page 4 help you understand the meaning of the word frantic?
2. What can you tell about varieties of black bears, as described on page 6?
3. Complete the sentence: The chapter on pages 9–11 is mainly about __________________________________.
4. Thinking Beyond the Text: Think about the questions below. Then write your answer in one or two paragraphs. Remember that when you think beyond the text, you use your personal knowledge to reach new understandings.

“When bears get used to getting food from people, it means big trouble for the bears.” How would you persuade people not to feed bears? What are some tips on how people can protect both the bears and themselves in bear country?

Friday, January 12, 2018

Sophia! (weird? or cool!?)

Sophia, the robot, is pictured, smiling. Photo by: Hansen Robotics

Sophia the Robot says artificial intelligence is "good for the world"

Explorers Web Quest

Name: __________________________________
Date: __________________________________
French and American Explorers Web Quest
Go to to learn about French and American Explorers!
1.    Put the following explorers in the box that shows what country they are from:
John Cabot
Jacques Cartier
Samuel de Champlain
Rene-Robert Cavelier-Sieur de La Salle
Giovanni da Verrazzano
Sir Francis Drake
Captain James Cook

2.    Who was the famed pirate was at least partly responsible for the war between Spain and England that resulted in the defeat of the Spanish Armada?

3.    Who explored the St. Lawrence River in search of a magical kingdom called Saguenay as well as the elusive Northwest Passage?

4.   Who claimed the entire Mississippi River drainage region for France. He named the area Louisiana after his King?

5.    Who is credited with discovering the Hawaiian Islands and explored much of Australia and New Zealand?

6.    Who explored much of the east coast of Canada for the British?

7.    This explorer served as a Pirate before he explored and charted much of the east coast of North America.

8.    Who started the first permanent French settlement in the New World at Quebec.

9.    Pick another Famous explorer and describe what they are famous for:

10. When did the Age of Exploration start?

11.  What were Europeans desperate to get from Asia and why?

12. What was the first permanent European settlement in the New World that Ponce de Leon established?

13.  What was the last war that gave America Independence from England?

14. Who was Marco Polo?

15. What was the Silk Road?