Friday, January 12, 2018

Sophia! (weird? or cool!?)

Sophia, the robot, is pictured, smiling. Photo by: Hansen Robotics

Sophia the Robot says artificial intelligence is "good for the world"

Explorers Web Quest

Name: __________________________________
Date: __________________________________
French and American Explorers Web Quest
Go to to learn about French and American Explorers!
1.    Put the following explorers in the box that shows what country they are from:
John Cabot
Jacques Cartier
Samuel de Champlain
Rene-Robert Cavelier-Sieur de La Salle
Giovanni da Verrazzano
Sir Francis Drake
Captain James Cook

2.    Who was the famed pirate was at least partly responsible for the war between Spain and England that resulted in the defeat of the Spanish Armada?

3.    Who explored the St. Lawrence River in search of a magical kingdom called Saguenay as well as the elusive Northwest Passage?

4.   Who claimed the entire Mississippi River drainage region for France. He named the area Louisiana after his King?

5.    Who is credited with discovering the Hawaiian Islands and explored much of Australia and New Zealand?

6.    Who explored much of the east coast of Canada for the British?

7.    This explorer served as a Pirate before he explored and charted much of the east coast of North America.

8.    Who started the first permanent French settlement in the New World at Quebec.

9.    Pick another Famous explorer and describe what they are famous for:

10. When did the Age of Exploration start?

11.  What were Europeans desperate to get from Asia and why?

12. What was the first permanent European settlement in the New World that Ponce de Leon established?

13.  What was the last war that gave America Independence from England?

14. Who was Marco Polo?

15. What was the Silk Road?