Friday, December 5, 2014


GOOD MORNING! Make me proud today! If everything goes smoothly, you will watch The Hunger Games this afternoon.  If not, you will have an alternate assignment to complete for a grade. (just do what you are supposed to, folks!)
7:45- 8:15 BREAKFAST: First thing, have JAYDA to put on an "Are You Afraid of The Dark?" episode for the students to watch as they eat.Jerald and Ernest can pass out breakfast. LADIES go up to get their breakfast first, When they sit down, GENTLEMEN may go. At 8:15, Jerald will walk around with the trashcan and EVERYONE will throw away all breakfast, then he will take out the trash. Ernest will put the leftovers back into the crate, and place it outside.
*pass out ipads. Girls can come up and get theirs at once, let half the boys go at a time.
8:15- 9:45 READING-  we've been reading "The Giver." Go to the link: and go through each vocabulary word that we have been talking about. Study using the flashcards! When you are finished, click on the "scatter" game. (can also be found by clicking here)
-When finished, go ahead and come up and get assignment packet from Ms.Gail.
9:45-11:00ish ELA/SCIENCE: Complete assignments from Ms. Gail. When finished ACHIEVE 3000!!!! WE'RE LOOSING FOLKS!!  I'd love to come back to some bigger points!!!!
11:00ish- 11:40- ENRICHMENT-  HOODA MATH/ACHIEVE3000!!! You may also explore websites previously posted on thewestontimes.
11:45-12:15 LUNCH
12:30- MOVIE. ASSUMING YOU'VE BEEN GOOD and Because we've been discussing "utopian societies" and we've compared and contrasted between "the Giver" and "the Hunger Games," Let's watch the 2nd movie in the "Hunger Games" Series.
2:50- PE

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Allison Weston
Journey's Vocabulary Reader

*You're the best teacher and we love you! :)