Wednesday, August 31, 2016


All work not completed by PE results in NO RECESS :(

1. Grammar Textbook page 56. Write the Sentences. Answer I for imperative and E for exclamatory. When finished, start working on foldable.
-The remaining flaps are for Exclamatory and Imparative
-Should be nice and neat and ready to grade! :)

After PE
2. Solve this problem: 4x2+8-3x10+(9x4)
3. Finish Foldable.
4. VOCAB Review
5. Make a VOCABO game board
6. Buddy Read.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Happy Tuesday! 9.30.16

Morning Work: (write the questions and the answers today)
Write the following in EXPANDED FORM: 
1. 11,130
2. 611,130
3. 83,414
4.. 683,414
5. 13,642
6. 513,642

7. Which Number is bigger? Circle one: 24,800 or 42,938
8. Which number is bigger? Circle one: 64,571 or 95,423
9.  How much bigger is 21,000 than 14,000?

Monday, August 29, 2016

Computer Lab

Only allowed on the following websites
Silent play
Hands on your own computer

Failure to follow these rules will result in a very boring alternative assignment. :(

All about Place Value!!

Happy Monday!

Time to WRITE in your Weekend Journal!

Follow these steps:

  1. Come in quietly.
  2. Find machanical pencil
  3. Take out Language Arts Notebook (its on the floor)
  4. Label PAGE 5: "Weekend Journal 8.29.16" in Table of Contents
  5. Go to page 5 and head your paper
  6. Begin writing about your weekend! Be sure you give me a report of Friday when I wasn't here too! :)

Thursday, August 25, 2016


For Students ONLY! 

Happy Thursday!

Morning Work:
1. Copy the sentences and circle all of the ADJECTIVES: My mother's dress was blue, green, and purple.  It was so beautiful flowing in the wind as she danced swiftly across the floor.

2. Make this sentence more "rich" by adding adjectives: I saw a ball at the park.

3. Write 3 DECLARATIVE sentences:
4. Write 3 INTERROGATIVE sentences:
5. Write this in Base 10 Model: 5,473.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Happy Wednesday!!!

Morning Work:
1. Copy the sentence and circle all of the nouns: My cat loves to play with the shiny toy that my mom bought her.

2. Copy the sentence and circle all of the verbs: My cat jumps, runs, and bounces around my bedroom as she chases her ball that is rolling around the floor.

3.Write this in expanded form: 5,754

4. Write this in Base 10 Model: 325

-Go Over Homework
-Grammar: Types of Sentences- page 50&56 in Grammar book. Make a flip chart!

-Read The Woman with One Leg and write a SUMMARY using the handout in class. The final copy will go in your Language Arts notebook.

-Place Value Chart Practice!
-Group Work with Math Stations!

-Fill out Vocabulary and put in Science Notebook!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Just a fun fact!


Morning Work:
Fill in the chart:

Standard Form
Expanded Form
Base 10 Model





4. Write 4 examples of a noun:

5. Write 4 examples of a verb:

Monday, August 22, 2016

Happy Monday!

It's going to be a great week!

Today's Schedule looks like this:
Morning Work: WEEKEND JOURNAL! Write us a good story about what you did this weekend in your LANGUAGE ARTS notebook.

Reading: We're talking about Main Idea and Summarizing.  We are going to read a story together as a class and practice these skills.
Math: We're going to set up those Math Notebooks and FINALLY do our activity with place value.
Science: Time to talk about that METHOD! and then put it into action.

Today is Computer Lab Day. :)

Friday, August 19, 2016



Morning work:
1. Copy the sentences. Circle all of the nouns.
My gym is my favorite place to go. I love lifting weights and working out!

2. Copy the sentences. Circle all of the verbs.
Yesterday we went to the petting zoo. I rode the train and swung on the swing set.

3. Solve the problem: Bishop had 7 boxes of cookies. Each box has 8 cookies in it. How many cookies does Bishop have?

4. Ms. Haughton drank 5 cokes last week. This week she drank 3 less. How many cokes did she drink in all?

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Study for Your Quiz Tomorrow!

As I've mentioned ALL WEEK (and even last week) you will have a quiz on everything we've been learning in class! This is EASY POINTS!! YAS! These are easy points!

Study your MULTIPLICATION TABLES! That is the biggest quiz and the only way that you get better is to PRACTICE!

Social Studies:
Regions of Alabama and Vocabulary. 

Reading/Language Arts:
 You will be given a little passage and asked to write a summary based off of this chart that we did in class. :)

We've talked a lot about making an inference and having textual evidence to "back it up." You will need to go back and check out this info if you want to do well on the quizzzzz!
*Inference- an educated guess based off of the information that you already know and the experiences you've had.
*Textual Evidence- what you read in the text that "backs up" your inference. 

Thursday Stuff!

Today is ART day!

Morning Work/DOL:
DIRECTIONS: Do not  copy the math problems, just solve them.  Only copy sentences when instructed to copy sentences. (Like on number 4 and 5)

1.Each student in Ms. Weston's class has 5 tab dividers.  How many tab dividers do Jennifer, Brayan, and Melanie have altogether?

2. My mom made cookies for me, my brother, and my sister.  She said we could each have 3.  How many cookies were eaten altogether?

3. Maurice bought 3 packs of gum from the store.  Victoria bought 7 packs of gum.  Each pack has 5 pieces in it.
How many pieces does Maurice have?
How many pieces does Victoria have?
How many more pieces does Victoria have than Maurice?

4. Copy the Sentence below and circle all of the nouns, underline the verbs, and put a square around adjectives.
(write the sentence->) Peter could not believe that he and his best friends climbed the world's tallest mountain. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Guess What Day it is?!

DOL/Morning Work:
1. Kelly gave 7 boxes of crayons to the classroom. Each box had 4 markers.  How many markers did she donate in all?

2. Pierce and 3 of his friends bought a pack a Pokemon cards. Each pack had 9 cards in it.  How many Pokemon cards do they have all together?

3. Copy the sentence. Circle all of the nouns and underline all of the verbs
Five small puppies played in the backyard.

4.  Copy the sentence and circle all of the adjectives:
My favorite students in the fourth grade are wearing yellow shoes.

5. Write down your 3s Multiplication tables.  1-12.
ex: 3x1=3, 3x2=6, 3x3=9... all the way to 3x12=?
8:45-11:15 READING BLOCK
Finish Up DOL and correct as a class!

Making Inferences:
As a class:

Read: If You Give a Moose a Muffin and draw inferences from the text with supporting evidence!

Stretch the Sounds!

Finish writing: The Ten Commandments of Math
11:15 LUNCH

11:45 RECESS
No Homework? No Recess. 
12:00 MATH
Bellringer: Multiplication Drillzzzzzz for dayzzzzzz!

What is Expanded Form?

What is Place Value?

-Expanded Form/Place Value Activity in Math Notebook.
1:45 Social Studies
Wrapping up Alabama Studies Weekly
2:30 DEAR
Reading from Book Boxes!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Happy Tuesday!

What To Expect:
DOL/Morning Work:
Write then sentences as you see them, then correct the sentences
1.     i dont wanna go to practice today.
2.     Ouch that pan is to hot to touch
3.     My mom name is karen!
8:45-11:15 READING BLOCK
Finish Up DOL and correct as a class!

Making Inferences:
-Complete Graphic Organizer and Inferences Detective

Stretch the Sounds!

Set Up Math Notebook:

Writing: The Ten Commandments of Math
11:15 LUNCH

11:45 RECESS
No Homework? No Recess. 
12:00 MATH
Bellringer: Multiplication Drill!

What is Expanded Form?

What is Place Value?

-Expanded Form/Place Value Activity in Math Notebook.
1:45 Social Studies
Wrapping up Alabama Studies Weekly
2:30 DEAR
Reading from Book Boxes!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Computer Lab 8.15.16

First 20 minutes:
*Deep Sea Phonics
Puzzle Phonics
Sight Word Bingo

Last 10 minutes:

Hooda Math
PBS KIDS Science Games
Cool Math- Science Games

What are we doing today?

What To Expect:
Weekend Journal!
8:45-11:15 READING BLOCK
·      Finish Up Weekend Journal
·      Set up Binders/
o   TABS:
o   Morning Work/DOL
o   Homework
o   Fluency Tracker
·      Making Inferences
o   What Is an inference?
o   What is textual evidence?
o   Let make some inferences!
·      Stretch the Sounds!
11:15 LUNCH

11:45 RECESS

12:00 MATH
·      What is Expanded Form?
·      What is Place Value?
·      Math Groups:
o   Addition/Subtraction
o   Expanded Form Practice
o   Base 10 Blocks
o   Multiplication!
Computer LAB!
(See Computer Lab Post)
1:45 Social Studies
Wrapping up Alabama Studies Weekly
2:30 DEAR
Reading from Book Boxes!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Happy Thursday! 8/11/16

Today's Schedule looks like this:

Our Schedule:
What we will do:
8:05 TARDY
Sorry. Go Check in!
Turn in signed papers
8:45-9:10:30 Reading, Language Arts, and Intervention Groups

*Go over summaries from Homework
-Talk about what it means to be a good writer.

*Multiple Intelligence Survey
*Learning Styles Indicator
10:30 Math
Multiplication Alien
11:15 Lunch
What should you sound like in the lunch room?
11:45 Recess

Finish Multiplication Alien
Start Vocabulary with Social Studies Weekly!

1:15 Specials
Wednesday- Art
1:45 Content
*Social Studies Weekly! 

2:15 Pack up
Make your area PERFECT! 
2:30 DEAR
Pick a good book at your level.
Read silently to your self at your spot.
Homework tonight:

Coastal Plain
Appalacian Area
Black Belt
Fall Line