Thursday, September 1, 2016


What do you need to know for your BIG OL TEST TOMORRROW?
Reading/Language Arts:

What is a Summary?
What is a Plot?
What are Characters?
What is an Inference?
What "backs up" your inference?

Subjects and Predicates
Watch the video^^^^
What is a Subject?
What is a Predicate?
What is a simple Subject?
What is a simple Predicate?
-Be able to point these out in sentences.

What are the 4 Types of Sentences and How do you tell them apart? Be able to give examples.
Declarative- Makes a statement; ends in period.
Interrogative- Asks a question; ends in question mark.
Exclamatory- Shows strong feeling or surprise; ends in exclamation mark.
Imparative- Gives a command or makes a request; ends usually with a period.

Vocabulary from Because of Winn Dixie:
9. Peculiar- Strange or odd. Weird
10. Talent- a natural ability to do something well.

All things PLACE VALUE!
**LOOK in your Math Notebook for your chart!
*Be able to fill in a chart like this:

*Be able to tell the VALUE each digit has in ANY number that I give you.
What is the VALUE of the 6? 
yes, 6,000 because it is in the THOUSANDS place. 


Scientific Method Video
Watch the video^^^^^
What is a hypothesis?
Be able to list the Steps of the Scientific Method:
1. Ask a Question.
2. Make a Hypothesis.
3. Do an Experiment.
4. Analyze Results.
5. Make a Conclusion.
6. Communicate Results- make someone else smarter!

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Assignment Name

Allison Weston
Journey's Vocabulary Reader

*You're the best teacher and we love you! :)