Friday, February 17, 2017

E-Learning Day Assignments

1. Khan Academy Multiplying Fractions
- Watch two videos.
-Complete the "Interactive Practice Problems"
-Complete Math Worksheet and turn in TUESDAY.

2. Listen to Journey's Audio Book
***Click this link if you forgot your journeys book and it wont let you listen to the audio book!
- Answer the Questions:
  1. Why doesn’t Ah Sing seem worried when he and Chin first feel the earthquake?
  2. What does Ah Sing mean he says “The Earth Dragon must be scratching?”
  3. Why does Ah Sing push Chin under the table?
  4. Why do you think the author switches from the events happening in Ah Sing’s tenement to the scene in the street?
  5. How do the illustrations on page 352-353 connect to Ah Sing’s predicament?
  6. How does the author create feelings of both hope and despair in his description of Chin and Ah Sing’s situation?
  7. What brings Chin to the brink of panic?
  8. Why does the feeling of breeze cause Chin to have renewed burst of energy?
  9. What can you tell about Ah Quon? Use evidence from the text.
  10. How would you feel if you were in the same predicament as the characters from this story? Explain why.
3.The Great Earthquake of Lisbon
-Read the Article and watch the video with a Parent/adult's help.
-Answer the Questions:
     1.       What country is Lisbon in?
2.       How was much of the city destroyed besides the earthquake?
3.       Why did people flee to the ocean?
4.       What happened about 30 minutes after the earthquake?
5.       When did the earthquake happen?
6.       How long did the city remain on fire?
7.       What was special about the earthquake of Lisbon? It was the first earthquake that ____________
8.       Do Tsunamis happen often? explain your answer.
9.       What is Seismology?
10.   Describe your personal thoughts, emotions, concerns, questions you had as you watched the video.  Answer in complete sentences.  Must be at least 5 sentences.

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Allison Weston
Journey's Vocabulary Reader

*You're the best teacher and we love you! :)