Thursday, March 23, 2017

All about that MATH!

Lesson 11.1 Measuring and Classifying Angles

Carmen Sandiago GAME!!
Like, seriously, this game is awesome.  A little math involved. Make sure you pay attention to what it asks you.  I got tripped up when i was playing! Don't make the same mistake!

Thursday Morning!

Facts About FireFlies
Facts about Fireflies 2


***Take out BFHMW pages 10.1-10.4.
Keep them in ORDER!
The stapler is come around.
I will call table by table to  turn in.
PLEASE be sure your name is on it.

***Take out Fireflies Homework.
STAPLE it to the Morning work WITH MORNING WORK ON TOP!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Firefly Drawing Examples

Sometimes when you draw you need a little inspiration! Use these drawings I found to help you draw your fireflies! Remember, your drawing doesn't have to be totally realistic. Cartoon drawings are better! Show your creativity! 

Main things it needs to have is a LIGHT and WINGS!

Math Practice!

1. Polar Planes Level J
2. Polar Planes Level K
3. Shapes Ahoy Ship Shapes Level M
4. Tiny's Think Tank- Patterns

Thursday, March 16, 2017


Animated Math Models: Points, Lines, and Rays

Animated Math Models: Classifying Angels

Think Central Mega Math Practice:
**There are three games called ICE STATION EXPLORATION in the "TO DO" section on Think Central. Click the link below to login!
*Make sure you do Level B, then Level C!
Think Central Login

Tuesday, March 14, 2017


1. What is a Fable? Click the link to find out! Fables for Kids

2. Now Read and Answer the questions on this page: The Lion and the Hare
*Write Questions and Answer in Complete Sentences on a clean sheet of paper! You will turn this in to the RED CHAIR when you are finished.

3. Go to Think Central and read THE DOVE AND THE ANT which is also in your close reader. You should FOLLOW ALONG and complete these pages in your close reader.  The page numbers can be found when you log into think central and go to the story. You will not turn this in yet! 

4. After you've completed CLOSE READER, you will pickup your Vocabulary Homework from last night ( on the table.) and FIX your answers that were marked wrong. THIS IS A QUIZ GRADE! SO FIX THEM! Turn this in to the BLACK CHAIR.

5. Lastly, you will LISTEN, read,  and follow along to Life in the Time of the Ant. Pay close attention! You will have a POP QUIZ after lunch!

6. AR or TTM.

Monday, March 13, 2017


Write Spelling and Vocabulary Words in your Language Arts Notebook!
Focus Wall
*Spelling Words
Vocabulary in Context- From Journeys Book
*Vocabulary Flash Cards with Definitions

Once you've written your words, Read and Listen to the Vocabulary Reader:
Vocabulary Reader: Ants of All Kinds

Answer Questions:
Page 3: Did You know that ants are insects that can carry 10–20 times their own body weight?!
1. What types of things do you think an ant might transport?

Page 4: Look at the diagram. Look at the different parts of the ant.
2.What do you think ants use their antennae for?

Page 8–11: You know that captions give clues about information in the text.
3. What do the captions on these pages tell you?
4. What clues can you find out about how ants transfer pieces of leaves, and how they handle obstacles in the way?

Page 12: Harvester ants use part of their homes for storage.
5. Why might harvester ants have to be concerned about storage when food gets scarce?

1. Answers may vary, but mostly FOOD!
2. To smell or find direction on where to go.
3. Each captions tells what each type of ant is doing.  It gives you information about each type of ant to better understand the different types.
4. The large ants cut up the leaves into pieces. The smaller ants carry leaf pieces past any obstacle in their way.
5. Harvester ants will always have something to each when food gets scarce! When they are not able to find much food, their chambers will start to get empty.


Know these words!
Know These Facts!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Equivalent Fractions and Decimals!

^^Memorize that!^^

We're learning how fractions and decimals are related! This is cool because it helps us understand MONEY!!!

Animated Math Models: Model Tenths
Animated Math Models: Model Hundreths

*Homework Tonight- Finish classwork- BFHMW pages 343- 350 :)

Animated Math Models: Equivalent Decimals!
Animated Math Models:Fractions, Decimals, and MONEYYYY!