Monday, March 13, 2017


Write Spelling and Vocabulary Words in your Language Arts Notebook!
Focus Wall
*Spelling Words
Vocabulary in Context- From Journeys Book
*Vocabulary Flash Cards with Definitions

Once you've written your words, Read and Listen to the Vocabulary Reader:
Vocabulary Reader: Ants of All Kinds

Answer Questions:
Page 3: Did You know that ants are insects that can carry 10–20 times their own body weight?!
1. What types of things do you think an ant might transport?

Page 4: Look at the diagram. Look at the different parts of the ant.
2.What do you think ants use their antennae for?

Page 8–11: You know that captions give clues about information in the text.
3. What do the captions on these pages tell you?
4. What clues can you find out about how ants transfer pieces of leaves, and how they handle obstacles in the way?

Page 12: Harvester ants use part of their homes for storage.
5. Why might harvester ants have to be concerned about storage when food gets scarce?

1. Answers may vary, but mostly FOOD!
2. To smell or find direction on where to go.
3. Each captions tells what each type of ant is doing.  It gives you information about each type of ant to better understand the different types.
4. The large ants cut up the leaves into pieces. The smaller ants carry leaf pieces past any obstacle in their way.
5. Harvester ants will always have something to each when food gets scarce! When they are not able to find much food, their chambers will start to get empty.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. maurice conway,journies assignment
    1.I think they might carry honey.
    2.they use it for to suck honey.
    3.It gives you clues.
    4. How the way I think they use them like hands
    5. They might go back home cause the food is gone.

  3. Fields,Antonio Ants of All Kinds

    1.Ants will probably pick up stuff from picnics but they may be crumbs that are bigger than them.
    2.Ants probably use there antennae to find food it is like there nose because it is how they find there smell of food.
    3.It tells you about what they do and in why the get there names.
    4.What I found and the text say the big ants cut the leaves because the are bigger and the little ants take the leaves back home so they can get through the obstacles.
    5.They harvest so when seasons come around they can have food and for they home and so they dont have to find food

  4. you are the best teacher

  5. DEANDRE waters
    1 THE might transport food.
    2 THE use it for catch the food or sugar.
    3 THE tell them to catch food.
    4 YOU can found out if you read a book about ants
    5 BECAUSE it get old in the wont good food not old

  6. Carter Gamble Journeys vocabulary reader 1.An ant might can transport are pizza,donuts,and other things and insects.
    2.ants use there antennaes to attack people.

  7. Arieona Rosebud
    Journeys Vocabulary Reader
    1.A ant might transport food like a melon.
    2.To sniff out the food they eat.
    3.That these ants are very brave and strong and tiny.
    4.They transfers them to the smaller ants.They carry leaf pieces past obstacles and back to the nest.

  8. Jacorya Williams

    1 An ant might transport food.

    2 I think ants use there antennae for smelling.

    3 t tell you about Army Ants Fire Ants Leaf cutter Ants Carpenter Ants.

    4 I know how ants transfer pieces of leaves cause it's some leaf cutter ants.

    5 cause they want to already have it for when they get scarce.

  9. brayan rosas
    journey's vocabulary reader.

    1. maybe like chips or bread.

    2.that make them find food and for they can smell it. all types of ants and what they do.

    4. that they give it to the smaller ant

    5 like they won't eat it and they get some more

    1 THEY transport food
    2 TO catch they food with
    3 THEY tell them to Catch food
    4 If you read a book about it
    5 BECAUSE it get old in they wont good food

  11. Zayden Bennett
    1 Well a big chunk of melon away home
    2 they use it for when bugs mess with them
    3 it tell you about it and give you details
    4 by using the eaves to grow fung to eat
    5 they all aways get something to eat when others get scare

  12. Carter Gamble Journeys vocabulary reader 1.An ant might can transport are pizza,donuts,and other things and insects.
    2.ants use there antennaes to attack people.
    3. the captio s tell me whatthe ant does.
    4.ants trasport leave with there arms and help get things out of the way they kill prey.
    5.harvest ants can be concerned about storage when food getsvscarce because the food might get old and not taste good to ants.

  13. tidaryusbrooks
    1 a cheep some cheez
    2 to get a home
    3 a bowt ants
    4 thay can get thay peray
    5 cleting levs

  14. Victoria
    journey`s vocabulary Reader

    1.An ant might transport food.

    2.they need antennae for there six legs and they body.

    3.they tell me that ants capture their food by swarming over it in large numbers. talking about a larger ant cuts pieces of leaves and transfer them to the smaller ants.

    5.that way,the harvester ants always have something to eat.

  15. Arieona Rosebud
    Journeys Vocabulary Reader
    1.A ant can transport a chunk of melon.
    2.They use it to scene their food to eat.
    3.These ants are very brave and strong.
    4.The ants transfers them to the smaller ants.They carry leaf pieces past obstacles and back to the nest.
    5.The ants might need their food to eat cause babies and other things.

  16. malia armstrong journeys vocabulary reader ant might transport food and dirt. 2.ants use their antenna to pick up dirt,food and small things. 3.they tell you how ants live,build,die and take care of other ants. 4.they bite their way through things. 5.they don't have any food and they need more.

  17. Alxes Ramos
    journey's vocabular Reader
    1.a ant might transport a big pice of a melon.
    2.I think ant use there antennae to track food.
    3.the captions tells the tape of ants.
    4.the clues help me find out how ants transfer there food by showing pitcher of ants transfer there food.
    5.Harvester ants might be concered about storage food when it scarce becaues that's when they are raning out of food.

  18. alanni burkes
    journey's vocabulary reader transport melon.
    2.i think they use their antennae to communecate. tell us there are differnt types of ants. the picture they are cutting leaves. they can always have somthing to eat.

    you are the best! ms. weston

  19. Jennifer Crystal Gonzalez Limon
    Journeys Vocabulary Reader
    1. Ants might transport some food.
    2.I think ants use their antennae to smell different kinds of things.
    3.This pages are telling us about different types of antes,where they live,and where we can find them.
    4.I can find clues by the way they act and the way they are.
    5.They need to be concerned that way if their food scarce they have something else to eat and they won't eat the food that scarced a all ready.

  20. 1 the ant will transport it all a way homes.
    2 take to outher ant.
    3 they are found in warm, tropical ares soth america.
    4 you can find a carpenter ant right outside your door in noth america.
    5 harvester ant always have something to eat when other food gets scarce.


  21. angel 1.To get big food.
    galeana 2.I think they used them for smell food.
    journey's 3.They will be in your door outside makeing their home.
    vocabulary 4.They need it for their home.
    reader 5.They can find a dry land.

    reader 4.They need it for their home.


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Allison Weston
Journey's Vocabulary Reader

*You're the best teacher and we love you! :)