Tuesday, March 14, 2017


1. What is a Fable? Click the link to find out! Fables for Kids

2. Now Read and Answer the questions on this page: The Lion and the Hare
*Write Questions and Answer in Complete Sentences on a clean sheet of paper! You will turn this in to the RED CHAIR when you are finished.

3. Go to Think Central and read THE DOVE AND THE ANT which is also in your close reader. You should FOLLOW ALONG and complete these pages in your close reader.  The page numbers can be found when you log into think central and go to the story. You will not turn this in yet! 

4. After you've completed CLOSE READER, you will pickup your Vocabulary Homework from last night ( on the table.) and FIX your answers that were marked wrong. THIS IS A QUIZ GRADE! SO FIX THEM! Turn this in to the BLACK CHAIR.

5. Lastly, you will LISTEN, read,  and follow along to Life in the Time of the Ant. Pay close attention! You will have a POP QUIZ after lunch!

6. AR or TTM.

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Allison Weston
Journey's Vocabulary Reader

*You're the best teacher and we love you! :)