Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Energy Web Quest!!!

1. What is energy?
2. What is "Renewable Energy?"
3. Fill in the blank: Approximately ______ of electricity produced globally in 2009 came from renewable sources.
4. Fill in the blank: In 2012, ________ of the energy consumed in the USA came from renewable sources
5. True or False? Energy can be called "renewable: if it pollutes the environment.
6. What is non-renewable energy?
7. Where does non-renewable energy come from?
8. List 1 good thing about fossils fuels.
9. List one bad thing about fossil fuels.
10. What is mechanical energy?(you,ve got to go back the the first page!:))
11. What are the 3 types of energy transfer?
12. What is conduction?
13. Why does conduction work well with solids? (3rd website)
14. Write 4 examples of conduction.
15. What is Convection?
16. What is a medium? (3rd website)
17. Write 4 examples of Convection.
18. What is Radiation?
19. Write 4 examples of Radiation.
20.  Fill in the blank: In our environment, heat always moves from the ____________ object, to the  ___________ object.
answers 1-10
answers 11-20

Friday, December 5, 2014


GOOD MORNING! Make me proud today! If everything goes smoothly, you will watch The Hunger Games this afternoon.  If not, you will have an alternate assignment to complete for a grade. (just do what you are supposed to, folks!)
7:45- 8:15 BREAKFAST: First thing, have JAYDA to put on an "Are You Afraid of The Dark?" episode for the students to watch as they eat.Jerald and Ernest can pass out breakfast. LADIES go up to get their breakfast first, When they sit down, GENTLEMEN may go. At 8:15, Jerald will walk around with the trashcan and EVERYONE will throw away all breakfast, then he will take out the trash. Ernest will put the leftovers back into the crate, and place it outside.
*pass out ipads. Girls can come up and get theirs at once, let half the boys go at a time.
8:15- 9:45 READING-  we've been reading "The Giver." Go to the link: and go through each vocabulary word that we have been talking about. Study using the flashcards! When you are finished, click on the "scatter" game. (can also be found by clicking here)
-When finished, go ahead and come up and get assignment packet from Ms.Gail.
9:45-11:00ish ELA/SCIENCE: Complete assignments from Ms. Gail. When finished ACHIEVE 3000!!!! WE'RE LOOSING FOLKS!!  I'd love to come back to some bigger points!!!!
11:00ish- 11:40- ENRICHMENT-  HOODA MATH/ACHIEVE3000!!! You may also explore websites previously posted on thewestontimes.
11:45-12:15 LUNCH
12:30- MOVIE. ASSUMING YOU'VE BEEN GOOD and Because we've been discussing "utopian societies" and we've compared and contrasted between "the Giver" and "the Hunger Games," Let's watch the 2nd movie in the "Hunger Games" Series.
2:50- PE

Thursday, December 4, 2014



It's December. It's time for all of you ELEVENS to attend the annual ceremony of 12.  What will your assignment be? Take the quiz to find out.
When you receive your assignment, think about what your training will be, then get with your fellow "group-mates" that received the same assignment.
***HERE'S THE KICKER: You cannot speak during your ceremony of 12. You must find another way to communicate and get with your fellow "elevens" without speaking! (label yourselves, write it big on your paper, etc..)

Answer these questions on the back of your paper: (Please, for the love of pete, don't forget to put your name on your paper!)
What is your assignment?
What do you think about this assignment.
Do you think the ELDERS chose wrong?
Who else in your group of ELEVENS will you begin your training with?
Why do you think you received this assignment?

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thanksgiving Fun!

I. Go to the page “Who Are the Wampanoag?”:

II. Go to the page “Thanksgiving”:

III. Now go to the page “Growing Food”:

IV. Now go to the page “What's for Dinner?”:

****When you are finished-- Check this out to learn more about the Wamponoag Tribe and the first thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Friday November 20, 2014 SUB PLANS

I know y'all are being SUPER today while I am out! Mr. Burks-please read this post to the students this morning so they know what to expect. Kiddos- be on your best behavior!! Make me proud! I love and miss you already! I would love to hear a good report so we can have our pizza party Monday!

Breakfast- you know the drill- LADIES FIRST. Jerald- help with getting breakfast together and clean up please. You may watch "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" (click the name of the show!)

Reading 8:15-9:30: The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins 
1. Complete the "Readers response" at the end of the story.  Turn this in to Mr. Burks when you are finished. 
2. Click Here to go to study stack to play games with the VOCAB from The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins.  Spend your time wisely, you have a QUIZ on these words on Monday!!!

Content 9:30-10:55
*Students will use iPads.
*Write the questions on a sheet of paper. (Make sure you skip lines so that yo have room to answer them!)
*Explore the website below to find answers! That's easy!
1. What is energy conservation? 
2. Name 4 big energy using appliances that the article describes.
3. Name one way you can conserve energy at home.
4. Why is it important to save energy?
5. True or false? Most forms of energy DO NOT cause air pollution.  
6. What is a deciduous tree?
7. What does " energy efficient" mean?
8. Name 3 things that would be different if there was no more energy. (2nd paragraph)
9. True of False? Energy Conservation creates a safer/cleaner environment. 
10. What is the 5th button across the top of the page? (just write the name)
11. What is a "greenhouse gas?"
12. Name 4 greenhouse gasses.
13. Is water vapor a greenhouse gas?
14. Why is the ozone needed?
15. Where do greenhouse gases come from?
You may get on ACHIEVE 3000/HOODA MATH on the iPad as long as you are SILENT. ( or you will loose your privilege!) 
10:55- 11:40 Enrichment! 
READ anything from this site at your desk silently. This website is full of stories that you've probably heard before, See if you recognize any of these stories! Comment below what you have read before.  Were there any stories that you read that were different from other versions that you've heard before?

11:45-12:15 LUNCH!!!
You know how to act. I expect to get a good report!!! :)

12:15- it gets done.
*Now it's time to clean up the room.
Pack your things for the weekend. NOTHING should be on the floor. NOTHING should be on the desks. NOTHING should be in the baskets under your chairs. Please make sure the room is in good condition! When the room is clean and every one's head is down, we can begin to watch a movie! Get this done FAST so that you can finish the movie!

MOVIE: you know the drill. no carrying on conversations. You may move your chair a few inches to get a better view- that's it. STAY IN YOUR SEAT! 

Click the picture above to watch the video.  Mr. Burks, text me if you have any problems logging in. 

2:50-3:45 PE- dismiss from the gym @ 3:45


Friday November 20, 2014 SUB PLANS

I know ya'll are being SUPER today while I am out! Mr. Burks-please read this post to the students this morning so they know what to expect. Kiddos- be on your best behavior!! Make me proud! I love and miss you already! I would love to hear a good report so we can have our pizza party Monday!

Breakfast- you know the drill- LADIES FIRST. Jerald- help with getting breakfast together and clean up please. You may watch "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" (click the name of the show!)

Reading 8:15-9:30: The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins 
1. Complete the "Readers response" at the end of the story.  Turn this in to Mr. Burks when you are finished. 
2. Click Here to go to study stack to play games with the VOCAB from The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins.  Spend your time wisely, you have a QUIZ on these words on Monday!!!

Content 9:30-10:55
*Write the questions on a sheet of paper. (Make sure you skip lines so that yo have room to answer them!)
*Explore the website below to find answers! That's easy!
1. What is energy conservation? 
2. Name 4 big energy using appliances that the article describes.
3. Name one way you can conserve energy at home.
4. Why is it important to save energy?
5. True or false? Most forms of energy DO NOT cause air pollution.  
6. What is a deciduous tree?
7. What does " energy efficient" mean?
8. Name 3 things that would be different if there was no more energy. (2nd paragraph)
9. True of False? Energy Conservation creates a safer/cleaner environment. 
10. What is the 5th button across the top of the page? (just write the name)
11. What is a "greenhouse gas?"
12. Name 4 greenhouse gasses.
13. Is water vapor a greenhouse gas?
14. Why is the ozone needed?
15. Where do greenhouse gases come from?
You may get on ACHIEVE 3000/HOODA MATH on the iPad as long as you are SILENT. ( or you will loose your privilege!) 
10:55- 11:40 Enrichment! 
READ anything from this site at your desk silently. This website is full of sorries that you've probably heard before, See if you recognize any of these stories! Comment below what you have read before.  Were there any stories that you read that were different from other versions that you've heard before?

11:45-12:15 LUNCH!!!
You know how to act. I expect to get a good report!!! :)

12:15- it gets done.
*Now it's time to clean up the room. Pack your things for the weekend. NOTHING should be on the floor. NOTHING should be on the desks. NOTHING should be in the baskets under your chairs. Please make sure the room is in good condition! When the room is clean and everyone's head is down, we can begin to watch a movie! Get this done FAST so that you can finish the movie!

MOVIE: you know the drill. no carrying on conversations. You may move your chair a few inches to get a better view- thats it. STAY IN YOUR SEAT! 

Click the picture above to watch the video.  Mr. Burks, text me if you have any problems logging in. 

2:50-3:45 PE- dismiss from the gym @ 3:45


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Speaking to You Beyond My Absence!

*Message for Ms. McCoy: thank you so much for doing this. Do not hesitate to call me FOR ANY REASON if you need me. Please read these guidelines to the kiddos throughout the day (in the morning and at the designated time slot.)  Please REMIND them of expectations. They know them, but sometimes they forget. (voice level- 0,1,2,3,4 y'all KIDDOS demonstrate this for her.)
*Movies= folks must stay in their seat, they can move their chair a few inches, but thats it.
*iPADS MUST ALL BE PUT AWAY AND ACCOUNTED FOR BEFORE THE MOVIE STARTS. Jerald and Ronstraco are good to help put these away.
*if at any time Jerald and Ronstraco have free time and are finished, they can finish filing papers for me like they were yesterday. (Wilson's class)

Hey guys! Its going to be a FANTASTIC FRIDAY even though I am not here today! How do I know this? Because, YOU ROCK. That's how.  Even though we had a rough moment at the end of the day yesterday, I know that you will stand up and show Ms. McCoy that you really are the best class in the fifth grade! Don't disappoint me! Keep a check on your voice level, stay in your seat, and be respectful. I have 100% faith in you! Be awesome! Mr. Ham and Ms. Lott will be popping in to check on your behavior.  (oh snap!)

Busy day today! Here s how it will go down:
(someone pull this up on MY iPad and give to Ms.McCoy)

7:45- 8:10 BREAKFAST- YOU KNOW THE DRILL. PROVE IT! Straco, Marquez,& Jerald help.
8:00- 9:30 READING BLOCK- no one can leave for any reason (unless your dying or throwing up)
9:30-10:55 READING/ELA- heres where you can take a restroom break AS A CLASS.
11:45-12:15 LUNCH
12:15-1:00 ACHIEVE/HOODA MATH- restroom break AS A CLASS
1:00-2:45 MOVIE.
2:45- PE- don't be late!

Now here's what I need form you KIDDOS!: (Ms.McCoy, please read aloud!)

*As students arrive- Breakfast- you may watch ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK (click here) Reminders- stay in your seat, only move your chair a few inches to be able to see. SILENT so others can watch Ms.McCoy can stop it and remind you of this at any time. JAYDA PLEASE FILL OUT A SNACK SHEET- 2nd shelf from the bottom behind my desk. theres a basket sitting on top of it i think.
*end of video-9:30 Reading-  When the video is over, and all has been cleaned up- Ms.McCoy will read Emya's book about Squanto (I think its on the counter by the closet) Once you are finished there is a handout called Rescuing Squanto (or something like that) on the front table.

*9:30-10:55- Reading/ELA- Write the following questions down on a piece of paper. Make sure you skip lines!!! Then go to the following websites to find the answers!! SCAVENGER HUNT! See how many you can get BY YOURSELF! I don't mind you working together as long as voice level is on a ONE (which is WHISPERING, remember? Ms.McCoy will make you stay on a ZERO if you cannot remind yourself.) Turn into Ms.McCoy to the green basket when finished and you may HOODA OR ACHIEVE.
1. What is Jane Goodall's Birthday?
2. List 5 awards she has received.
3. Where did she go to study the chimpanzees? 
4. When was "The Jane Goodall Institute" established?
5. What does "The Jane Goodall Institute" support?
*BONUS- What is a primatologist? be resourceful!
6. Which is longer? A chimps arms or its legs?
7. How long do chimps sleep a day?
8. Do chimps have hair on the soles of their feet?
9. How long does a chimp usually live in if it lives in the wild all its life?
10. What is the leading male chimp called?
*Bonus- Why do you think the female chimps are larger than the male chimps?
*10:55-11:35 ENRICHMENT KIDDOS may go on ACHIEVE 3000, HOODA MATH, or National Wildlife for Kids
11:45 LUNCH
*12:30-1:00- PACK UP AND CLEAN OFF DESKS. Get ready for movie. it will not be started until desks are clear. (**if you don't start at 1:00, you won't be able to finish it.)
CHORAL READ THIS: we've been talking about CONSERVING.  This movie (first a book written by an author that I LOVE!!!) talks about the importance of conserving materials and protecting animals habitats all while trying to solve a mystery between the new kid on the block and the school bully. WHY DO YOU THINK IT'S CALLED "HOOT?" (answer in comments)
*1:00- 2:40 HOOT click here to watch

I love you guys! I know its going to be a great day! Ms. McCoy is going to write me on how you behaved all day. I am looking forward to a GRRRRREAT one! Cause you are the

Monday, October 27, 2014

Tall Tales!

We've been studying GENRES! Now its times to  talk about TALL TALES! What is a Tall tale? In case you forgot, you can watch the video below.
What is a Tall Tale?

Next we will compare and contrast the two tales below. Both are the story of John Henry, but are there any differences? Are there any similarities?
John Henry- Disney Version

The Story of John Henry

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Golden Touch en espanol :)

Rey Midas y el toque de oro
Hace muchos años vivía a un rey llamado Midas.
Rey Midas tenía una pequeña hija, cuyo nombre era caléndula.
Rey Midas era muy, muy rico. Se decía que tenía más oro que cualquier otro rey en el mundo.
Una habitación de su gran castillo estaba casi lleno de piezas de oro amarillos.
 Por fin el rey creció tan encariñado con su oro que lo amaba más que cualquier otra cosa en todo el mundo
Le encantó incluso mejor que su propia hija, caléndula rosy-cheeked poco querido. Su gran deseo parecía estar cada vez más oro.
Un día mientras estaba en su cuarto oro contando su dinero, un hermosa hada chico estaba delante de él.
La cara del chico brillaba con una luz maravillosa, y tenía alas en su gorra y alas en los pies. En su mano llevaba una varita de aspecto extraño, y la varita también tenía alas.
"Midas, usted es el hombre más rico del mundo," dijo el hada. "No hay ningún rey que tiene tanto oro como tú."
"Eso puede ser," dijo el rey. "Como ves, tengo este cuarto lleno de oro, pero me gustaría mucho más; para el oro es el mejor y lo más maravilloso del mundo. "
"Está seguro?" preguntó el hada.
"Estoy muy seguro," respondió el rey.
"Si yo debería concederte un deseo," dijo el hada, "pediría más oro?"
"Si"pudiera tener un deseo, dijo el rey, "Le pediría que todo lo que toco debe convertir en oro amarillo hermoso".
"Se concederá su deseo", dijo el hada. "En la mañana por la mañana amanecer el más mínimo toque convertirá todo en oro. Pero te advierto que tu regalo no te hará feliz.
"Tomaré el riesgo," dijo el rey.
Al día siguiente rey Midas se despertó muy temprano. Estaba ansioso por ver si la promesa de la hada se había hecho realidad.
Tan pronto como el sol se presentó él intentó el regalo al tocar la cama ligeramente con la mano.
La cama se convertía en oro.
Tocó a la silla y la mesa.
Al instante se convirtieron de oro macizo.
El rey estaba loco de alegría.
Corrió alrededor de la sala, todo lo que veía tocando. Su regalo mágico todo volvió a brillar, oro amarillo.
El rey pronto sintió hambre y fuimos a comer su desayuno. Ahora pasó algo extraño. Cuando levantó un vaso de agua clara y fría para beber, se convirtió en oro macizo.
Ni una gota de agua podría pasar sus labios.
El pan se convertía en oro bajo sus dedos.
La carne era difícil y amarillo y brillante.
No es una cosa podría llegar a comer.
Todo era oro, oro, oro.
Su pequeña hija entró corriendo el jardín.
De todas las criaturas vivientes era el más querido para él.
Tocó con sus labios.
Al mismo tiempo la niña fue cambiada a una estatua de oro.
Un gran temor se arrastró en el corazón del rey, barriendo toda la alegría de su vida.
En su dolor llamó y exhortó a la hada que le había dado el don del toque de oro.
"Hada O", rogó, "Llévate este regalo dorado horrible! ¡ Todos mis tierras. Tome todo mi oro. Todo, sólo Devuélveme a mi hija".
En el momento de la hermosa hada estaba de pie delante de él.
"Todavía crees que el oro es lo más grande en el mundo?" preguntó el hada.
"¡ No! ¡ No!"gritó el rey. "Odio verte la cosa amarilla".
"Estás seguro que no desea el toque dorado?" preguntó el hada.
"He aprendido la lección", dijo el rey. "No creo que oro lo más grande en el mundo.
"Muy bien", dijo el hada, "tomar esta jarra para la primavera en el jardín y llenar con agua. Luego Espolvoree aquellas cosas que ha tocado y se convertía en oro".
El rey tomó la jarra y se apresuraron a la primavera. Corredor primero había salpicada la cabeza de su querida niña. Al instante ella volvió a su querida caléndula y le dio un beso.
El rey había espolvoreado el alimento dorado, y a su gran alegría volvió a verdadero pan y mantequilla.
Luego él y su pequeña hija se sentaron a tomar el desayuno. ¿Qué tan bueno probado el agua fría. ¿Cómo ansiosamente el rey hambriento comió el pan y la mantequilla, la carne y toda la comida!

El rey odiaba su toque de oro tanto que había salpicado incluso las sillas y las mesas y todo lo demás que regalo de la hada se había convertido en oro.

Are You Afraid of the Dark

Good morning!
It's Thursday..  therefore I have morning duty. I will be in a few minutes late. I have given ERNEST the responsibility of putting the computer on amd pulling up The Weston Times. If you're reading this, then that means it's worked.

**Anthony and Marquez can pass out breakfast. Everyone needs to be conducting themself in a mature and ORDERLY fashion.
**If you're all sitting down silently watching this video when I come in, you'll earn a letter!

Let's do this!  Be awesome! We're going to have a great day!  I can feel it! #workhardplayhard


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

All about enərjē

Shaking things up in science today! (literally!! hint... hint!!)  
Click on the picture below to get started! 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

We've been trippin'.... Field trippin'!

We had a great time at Jones Valley! Comment what your favorite part of the trip was below. What did you learn?! (Extra points opportunity!!)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Fantastic Rockin' Friday!

I know you are all being on your very best behavior while I am out today! I can't wait to hear how awesome  you have been for the substitute!

When you are finished with your enrichment work, go explore the following websites. Don't forget to comment below about what you think! I just love seeing your messages!
How Stuff Works- I love this one. You can see how a bunch of things work.
FunBrain-Poptropica Comics- Comics? What??
Charlie Brown Comics--- yeah I like Charlie Brown! :)
TIME for Kids
OMG. Experiments you can do at home
FunBrain-The Plural Girls
Fun Brain- don't forget to check out the MAD LIBS! (at the bottom)
NatGeo Kids
Build Your Garden
Build a habitat

And just in case you were wondering: check this out: How that tape on my arm works
And….. also in case your up for the challenge- CLICK HERE for some spooky stories for you to enjoy

Monday, October 6, 2014

Happy Monday!

Definitions in reading workbook.
Go to study stack to play the game as a class.
Time permitting, let the class choose which games to play.
Preview new story.
Picture walk: ask th e questions: What do you think will happen? What do you think it might be about? Why do you think that?
Begin listening to reading. Cd is on black cabinet

What is gravity anyway?
Sir Isaac Newton

Bill Nye the Science Guy!

Thursday, September 18, 2014


I hope you all had SO MUCH FUN on the field trip! I know that I did! Remember that we have QUIZZES I mean, "Show What You Know" tomorrow! You may SILENT iPAD for the rest of the time, until 2:50 (P.E) on the following websites ONLY.'
-Silent. (voice level ZERO)
-Stay on the authorized websites. 
-If on an UNAUTHORIZED (meaning that you do not have permission to be on) you will loose iPAD privilages until further notice.
-use this time wisely to study!



Field Trip Fun!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


*I will post the "Apologize" video later for your viewing pleasure.

Writing PROMPT: begin writing. 2 pages at a minimum. Finish for homework. 
If we did not have a set of rules or guidelines for the people of our country to follow, what would people do to maintain order?

What problems do you think would arise if our country had no rules?

Answer the following questions in the comments below for BONUS POINTS!
1. Which one happened first? Constitution of The Deceleration of Independence?
2. Which document stated that we were DONE with the king's unfair treatment?
3. Which document said that we would set up our own government, and stated how the government would run?
4. What are the articles of confederation??? (ohhhhhh THAT'S HARD!)

Cha, Cha, Cha Changesssss!

Physical and Chemical Changes in Everyday Life
Chemical vs Physical Changes Video
Chemical vs Physical Changes

Too Late to Apologize: A Decleration

In lieu of Constitution Day...

In class we talked about how the Deceleration of Independence happened which led to the writing of the Constitution.  Here's a video that depicts the feelings and emotions of the early colonies and their need to break into a free and independent nation.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Reading Day

Let's play games! Check out the links below to complete the following activities on the iPAD. These will be for a grade; therefore, you must show me the completed work.
Satchel Paige Crossword Puzzle
Now lets Take a QUIZ!
Vocab Quiz

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Materials needed:
  • water bottle
  • drink mix
  • tic tac
  • sharpie
  • write your name on the bottle of water with a sharpie
  • add the drink mix. 
  • OBSERVE. What happened? Mixture or solution?
  • add two tic tacs to the bottle of water
  • OBSERVE. What is happening to the tic tac?
  • Now what is this? Solution or a mixture?

RECORD- in the comments. Be sure to write your name.
-answer the following questions:
  1. When/how did you make a solution? (what two things)
  2. What made it a mixture? 
  3. Do you think the tic tac will dissolve completely? When?
  4. What would the liquid be if the tic tac disolved completely? mixture of solution?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What Did We Learn Yesterday?

Remember how we used sticky notes to describe what we learned yesterday? Some of you wrote one thing, or just a few things, and some of you wrote A BOOK! :) (that's my favorite kind!) Today we are going to do the same thing, but on our iPads. Write a comment below.

What did you learn yesterday?
(LOOK at the commenting instructions at the bottom of the page, or it wont post right and you'll have to keep starting over.)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Check Out This BLOG Thing!

We had a great day yesterday, lets keep it up so we can learn some more SWEEEEEET SCIENCY STUFF!

Welcome to The Weston Times. This website will be used to help us learn, keep us interactive with technology, get everyone to explore concepts, and uhhhh... basically, its just fun, let's be real. :)

First thing's First! 
(I'm the realest..)
Review what we did yesterday by going to this website below. READ the directions and figure it out.  Dont ask me 6000 questions about it, when the directions are in front of you! (Be resourceful!)

Play the game to understand mixtures and solutions better. 
Write down the combinations you chose to combine in your SCIENCE NOTEBOOK and state weather it was a mixture or solution.
-note wich one was the SOLUTE and which one was the SOLVENT.
(oooohh..... ahhhhh...)